Mom Turns Fitness Into Million Dollar Franchise

Moms Can Make Millions:

After her son was born, Lisa Druxman wanted to stay home with her kids, but she still needed a full time income.

One day while walking with her baby in his stroller, she had an “ah-ha!” moment when she realized she could start a business teaching classes that helped other moms get back into shape.

That day, in August 2001 she came up with the name of her company…Stroller Strides.

Lisa Druxman wasn’t aware that her business idea would fill a need across the country. Mothers who needed to get back into shape after having their babies were also looking for support from other mothers. Lisa’s classes would fulfill that need.

Lisa initially started offering classes to a few moms around her San Diego neighborhood. One day the local news called her because they needed someone for a new story the next morning. In the news interview she was able to pitch her small Stroller Strides business. Because she was just starting out, she had to put her personal email and phone number on the screen of the T.V. When she got home she had 75 emails.

She realized this was a great opportunity.

Photo by Stroller Strides.

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