Unemployed Turning to Direct Sales as Economy Worsens


The number of unemployed in the United States has hit five million, the highest since the government began keeping records in 1967. The grim news has many looking at different options to make ends meet, and some are looking into careers that allow them to work from home.

Audra Hernandez started selling Avon products at the beginning of the year, shortly after both her and her husband were hit by the economic downturn.

Direct sales no longer means going door-to-door, or hosting Tupperware parties. Most direct sales companies offer an online option, and Audra says that how she does most of her business. Audra says that selling Avon is a much-needed supplement for a family with three kids.

“I have a child going into college this fall,” said Audra. Direct sales companies like Avon are seeing an increase in new sales representatives. Audra’s neighbor, Nicole Pfaff, is joining Avon after her husband lost his job.

“I thought it was a great idea and earn some extra money for the kids sporting events and cheerleading, and extra money is always great,” said Nicole. “It gives you something else to think about than you’re husband being unemployed.”

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