Inventor’s Business Is ‘In The Toilet’

Wally Berry is proud of the fact that his business is in the toilet. Literally. Berry is the inventor of a device he says will revolutionize the way we flush our toilets.

His company will soon manufacture a device called the Siphon Flush, an alternative to the “flapper” which has controlled water flow in toilets for more than 50 years.

“Twenty percent of all flappers in toilets leak at any one point in time,” Berry, a native of Fairview Park, points out. “Since there’s 250 million toilets in single family dwellings, that’s a lot of leakage.”

The amount of water that collective escapes from leaky flappers amounts to 11 million gallons a minute across the country, Berry says. That’s more than twice as much water as goes over Niagara Falls in the same period of time.

The principle of the Siphon Flush is that an air bubble is used to keep water in the toilet tank, and when its flushed, water replaces the bubble creating a suction, forcing the water into the bowl. The device then fills with air again and floats back up with the refilling water.

“We’ve been more than successful,” says Berry. “Not only will our product the Siphon Flush not leak. It is actually more efficient and uses less water in the toilet.

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