Web 2.0 Has Made It Easier To Launch Bizs


The current economy is making it tougher than ever to try to grow a startup?but in many ways, it’s never been easier to launch a new business.

Tech platforms like social networks and open-source software have boosted the chances that people with good ideas will get their startups off the ground, even if they don’t know how to write code and haven’t raised a round of funding.

Meanwhile, people that do have tech skills can get their products in front of potential consumers directly?no middleman required for distribution (or promotion).

it’s easier to be an entrepreneur now because service providers like Akamai and Amazon have made digital content distribution easy and cheap.

“There’s zero incremental cost for digital goods?whether its a music track, an article or an app?so now anyone can put up a piece of content and sell it to a billion people,” he said. “That makes it much easier to start and reach a massive market.”

With channels like social media, apps and online video, you have multiple ways to grow a very specific audience very quickly?which is far more attractive from an advertising point of view.

The secret is really finding a business model to lay across those features that someone creates.

Photo by ilco.

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