Making Money Without Copyright

Chad Perrin:

There are innumerable ways to make money without copyright – and, in many cases, people are already doing so and may not even realize it.

For instance, for the most part signed bands use record sales solely to pay off debt incurred as part of their record deals for purposes of getting initial record publishing and distribution done; they get their actual living wages (on the rare occasion when they can make a living from music) by playing live gigs and selling merchandise. They may not actually realize it in many cases, but for most professional musicians the real financial benefit they get from record sales – the one part of the profession that requires copyright – is advertising. The record labels get profits directly from record sales, while the musicians just get well enough known to be able to make money at their live shows. News flash; it’s a lot cheaper to distribute yourself over the Internet, and let people burn your CDs if they want to, than to pay out the nose to have some suited schmucks at Sony/BMG make money off you and only advertise for you incidentally.

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