Mom-Friendly Exercise Routine Inspires Business

The Star Press:

August Roberson is smiling a lot these days.

Not only does she have more energy, but her spirits are running high.

She attributes it to the healthy lifestyle she and her husband, Jason, are leading with their daughters, Jocelyn, 4, and Madelyn, 2.

At the core of it is a new exercise DVD the Muncie couple have produced that has workouts moms can do at home with their kids.

“It’s not work; it’s fun for me and my girls,” she said. “They look forward to it. It makes me happy that they are excited about getting their exercise.”

The mission of their new business, Fit Momz Fit Kidz, is “to help bring health and fitness to the whole family,” August said, “by helping moms with small children get started on the path to health and fitness.”

And the perks are plenty for her, too.

The idea of the video came after August had her youngest daughter.

“I was having a hard time fitting in exercise in my daily schedule,” said. “I had been active once on a cycling team and doing triathlons, so I missed it. Being able to do these exercises at any time of the day at home, at grandma’s house, or even in a hotel is a great help.”

And she feels so much better.

“I’m happier,” she said. “And I’m stronger. My endurance level is way up there and I’m back in shape. I get more done during the day.”

Logo from Fit Momz Fit Kidz

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