Entrepreneurial Ways to Make Money

Suite101.com’s Bonnie Albo asks are there really any easy ways to make money when it comes to owning a business?

It depends on how one looks at the process. Either a business is already making money – and therefore can hire someone to bring in business or sales – or a business is struggling financially – and will therefore need to invest some time into more ways to make money.

Get Customers to Say Yes
When direct questions that have a yes or no answer are unavoidable, make the questions asked ones that are most likely going to be answered with a yes. After a yes or three, it is much easier to get a client to continue their roll and agree to some sort of purchase, or at least a commitment to look further into the product or service in question.

Stay In Touch Regularly
There’s no need to have every contact with a client end in a sale. Instead, stay in touch to see how things are going so as to anticipate future needs. Then, follow up as needed and regularly. As well, the more contact with a customer – even if brief – the more times the business is being positioned as an expert in the field, making it a go-to whenever a specific need is required. Even a two minute phone call or monthly newsletter can make this tip an excellent one in a businesses’ arsenal of ways to make extra money.

Open Doors With Smaller Sales
If the entrepreneurial venture in question is new or relatively unknown, one of the easiest ways to earn a new customer is to focus on the smaller sale or by offering an inexpensive taste of the product or service being offered in the form of a freebie. This way the lead can test the business to determine fit and function, as well as have something concrete to discuss with their teams and/or clients to determine if a longer business relationship or larger sale is warranted.

Photo by svilen001.

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