Attention Getting Press Releases

photo credit: mikebaird

When you’re setting out to write a press release for your company, you must think of many different ways that you can word your release in order to not only get your point across but to attract attention. Below are some helpful hints that I feel will help you on this mission that I came across recently on The Work At Home Woman.

Put yourself in the reader’s seat: You will need to make your press release appealing to the reader and one of the best ways to do this is by telling a short story or by giving an example. Make sure that all the details in the release are factual and not embellished — falsifications can undoubtedly ruin your creditability and reputation.

Above all else, make sure the report you are wanting to send into the public is something worth taking the time to read. This would be something such as a grand opening, big sale, moving notice or a situation such as remodeling the store and being closed for a period of time.

Always remember the rule you were taught in school about plagiarism and make sure you have permission of all parties that you are using quotes from.

Most importantly, make sure your release is easy for the readers to follow. This not only pertains to the way it is written and wording that is used but also the contact information, locations, hours of operation and so on, so it is as easy as possible for them to follow.

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