Reaching Social Media Success

While at first it might seem that penguins, salty waffles and precious gems might have nothing in common, when you look a little deeper you can find a connection and her name is Nicole Donnelly. Nicole was the founder of Babylegs Inc, which she later sold to a hosiery manufacturer, but that isn’t all she has done. She’s also the mind behind the Salty Waffle, BigRuby and the author of Ride Like a Penguin. During her adventures as an entrepreneur Nicole has learned a few lessons when it comes to social media.

Among them:

1) Find the people who care about what you are doing.

2) Connect with them through forums, Facebook, Twitter, and in the ways that ideal prospects and clients enjoy using the most;

3) Be clear about why you are online. Consider that may be to advance goals as they relate to sales, list building, joint venturing, and more.

4) Don’t always talk about yourself. Invest at least 50% of your time or efforts online talking about other people who you believe are fabulous.

5) Try out different messages. Some readers will respond warmly to personal posts, and others prefer business specific messages. Find the balance that works best for the ideal customers that matter for the business at hand.

6) Measure efforts, and try, try again.

Having learned these lessons and built and sold a profitable company, today Donnelly is on a mission to guide business owners to become capable, confident, equipped, and connected to engage and profit from the strategic use of social media. To that end, she debuts a host of new initiatives in play to guide others to achieve the stellar business success she earned, one social connection at a time.

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