Inventor Solves Real-World Problems

Glenn Reid has been an inventor for over 25 years. He helped launch iMovie and iPhoto. He founded Inventor Labs in Redwood City to address such issues; specifically, to convert abstract ideas into tangible products aimed at alleviating real-world problems, reports The Daily Journal.

There are typically 30 to 40 ideas under development at any given time. Currently, a test model for urban farm boxes hangs on an office wall. The boxes would allow people to grow vegetables on their city balconies or patios by catching draining water and recycling it back into the box or through a tube and into another box, all without dripping water onto lower-level residents.

The company is also working on a cell detector, which would allow flight attendants to identify passengers who ignore the “no cell phones” rule on airplanes.

“Invention seems like a pipe dream,” said Reid. “But I do know how to make things into products. The idea is a small part by the time you’re done. Finding out if the idea is any good is the important part. The more testing you do, the better off you are. The business model is similar to that of venture capitalists.”

Photo by Inventor Labs.

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