This Business Will Help You Delve Deeper Into Your Favorite Books

When you’re reading a book, is your imagination really enough? One company has taken in to the next level by allowing readers to listen and see just what the author mentions in their story, reports

“Small Demons is a visual index of all the people, places and things inside of books,” said Valla Vakili, the CEO of Small Demons. “It’s a way to go deeper into a book that you’re interested in so like let’s say you’re reading High Fidelity, it has a lot of music in it – over 100 songs.”

“ We have every song listed in the book all in one place so you can go through and find the soundtrack to the book, or you’re reading a book that takes place in New York and it mentions lots of locations in New York and you want to go piece-by-piece and look at those places. We catalog all of those as well. “

It’s not just the songs or places mentioned either – just about anything can be tracked on the site – people, movies, television shows, even other books.

This can hold appeal for publishers who wish to retain readers’ attention in the age of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Small Demons currently has 2,500 books on its site – mostly bestsellers and classics. Three of the six biggest publishers – Random House, Hachette, and Simon & Schuster have all signed on as partners.

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