Optimising your door drop for maximum profitability


Racing through the hyper-fast communications of the internet, as the business world does nowadays, it can be easy to forget the potential that older forms of marketing have for your profits. But, with door drops still the number one way to communicate with a customer, your company can optimise your business reach by investing in this trusted form.

But, what is it that makes the door drop such an appealing prospect?

Well, with this oldest form of marketing, you can expect top results, with major brands such as Pizza Hut putting over 100,000,000 leaflets a year through letterboxes all across the UK, and still remaining a massively successful franchise in their 50 years of business.

The door drop can also be a fantastic way to target specific demographics or catchment areas, having as large or as small a reach as you want it to, depending on your business’s financial clout. And, especially when combined with other forms of advertising, you will find that you can have potential customers engaging with your product on a multi-platform basis.

But, how exactly can you draw in a customer in the first place and differentiate your pamphlet from all the others that are thrust through someone’s door on a daily basis?

Create an interes****ting design with your door drop

The beauty of the door drop marketing technique is that your pamphlet, catalogue or letter can look exactly how you want it to, and with the right type of design you can ensure that it will be appealing enough to pique a customer’s interest.

With the help of a design team, try to create an eye-catching overall feel to your door drop that reflects the tone of your business.

If you can illustrate the enthusiasm that you have for your company via the medium of the door drop, then you’ll find that potential customers will jump right on board with you.

Increase the appeal of your pamphlet with a special offer

You’ve seen it in the pamphlets of mega-franchises like Pizza Hut or for your local supermarket – tokens, special offers and great deals that will intrigue a customer to read further or purchase a company’s product.

With the help of a cheap and cheerful discount, you’ll find that consumers are far more likely to engage with your product and make you a success.

Make your door drop work with other forms of advertising

Nowadays, there are a-million-and-one different platforms on which your product can get noticed, but the real trick is to make it stand out above all others in the crowded marketplace.

You shouldn’t be focusing all of your energy on one advertorial outlet, but several, so incorporating your door drop marketing campaign with your website or social network is a great way to get noticed.

And, if you can get more engagement with your products through social networks, websites, television ads and your pamphlets, then you’ll find that you’ll play on a customer’s mind far more, giving you wider reach and improving your profits exponentially.

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