4th Of July Is The Entrepreneur’s Holiday

San Francisco Chronicle:

“The Fourth of July is the ultimate holiday for entrepreneurs. I mean, it’s called “Independence Day”, what a better way to describe entrepreneurs? They are independent from the confines of employment at larger organizations. They hold their destiny in their own hands, and thus are only limited by their own dreams and dedication,” says Dave Lavinsky President of Growthink Inc.

There is something about American entrepreneurs that sets them apart from the others. That difference is perseverance, persistence, and determination. One minute their catering business fails the next minute they are converting their house into a luxury bed and breakfast. It’s the passion for success that drives American business owners to utilize the freedom they were granted well over two hundred years ago.

What better way to describe “Independence” then the freedom from the control, influence, or support of others? If you’re an entrepreneur you are likely to agree that you are an individual who has planned, built, and managed a company under full responsibility of any risks. Any entrepreneurs must love the word independence since thats what they are, independent.

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