New Book: Small Town Rules

In their new book Small Town Rules, Barry Moltz and Becky McCray reveal the seven “rural-style” solutions that have become invaluable to even the largest companies, most dominant brands, and most cosmopolitan businesses. Between the chapters, powerhouse small town brands are profiled, including L.L. Bean, Walmart, Winnebago Industries, and Viking Range. Small Town Rules profiles more than 20 different business ideas that businesses of any size can use for expansion, innovation, or to change the game.

While Barry Moltz lives in Chicago (population about 2.7 million) and Becky McCray lives in Hopeton, Oklahoma, (population about 30), they do share some common characteristics.

Both are entrepreneurs. Barry has had three businesses of his own. Becky started her first business in junior high school, and she currently owns a liquor store and a cattle ranch, along with her husband. Becky also runs a number of smaller businesses.

Both authors talk openly about success and failure. Both have been fired. Both have gone out of business. Barry has been kicked out of business by his own partners, and he sold his last business during the Internet bubble of 1999. Becky has run for public office and lost, started businesses that went nowhere, and she has succeeded in building stable businesses in times of intense economic turmoil.

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