How to Become a Private Investigator – Surveillance Skills

More and more people from personal cases of suspected infidelity to large corporations doing investigations into potential partners and insurance fraud so it’s a good industry to make an income in and grow a business. It is important to get expert information so with that in mind we spoke to a prominent Private Investigators located in London who let us let us know about Surveillance skills you will need that help built their business.

Surveillance is one of their more significant jobs, and takes a significant part of the typical private investigator’s day. Here are some suggestions and hints for any aspiring or new private investigators to help enhance their surveillance abilities:

It might not be too thrilling sitting all night in your car checking on somebody who says his recent injury means he’s housebound, while the insurance company fraud department imagines he is a part time hooker for the local rugby team and is still in use of his car and is capable to drive. But it’s a skill that needs to be learned let us look at the types of surveillance and how to go about it.

Fixed surveillance – Often an investigator must get continuous access to his area, needing to scope out the suspect over several months. This clearly raises the danger of being seen. To prevent this, you may have to use rooftop vantage points, leased rooms, and other areas that let you see but not be seen. Where you’re working at some distance from your issue, binoculars, cameras and high tech listening devices are vital. Where appropriate vantage points are not available, just like most short term surveillance, you might use shades or a paper, or another way of making yourself less clear. A great disguise is shades with mirrors in the side, meaning while facing the opposite way, he is able to nevertheless see his subject.

Foot surveillance – Long intervals of tailing a subject do not work as well as in the pictures, particularly in open places such as parks and peaceful roads. Get too close and you will be seen; walk too much behind you’re going to lose them so working as a team is a good idea for important jobs where the expense can be justified. Even in quiet places, three or four investigators can take turns to tail a subject, making discovery much less likely.

Surveillance in Vehicles – Again, one car following another too carefully gets discovered; but in the event you remain too far behind you will lose the automobile you’re tailing. If you’re tailing a subject that is walking, one man following by automobile is going to get caught. Three investigators in different automobiles, each where one leaves off, taking over, can work wonders here and is what is recommended. For night-time work it’s recommended to attach some type of reflective apparatus to the subject’s vehicle’s rear: maybe a miniature or strip decal, which the issue is not likely to see. This is going to make the vehicle simpler to recognise in the dark.

Some More Tips

Double check your photographic and recording equipment before beginning a long surveillance job.

It might be tempting to have a few beers as you stake out but excessive alcohol reduces your credibility lowers the concentration, distorts perceptions helping to give you away.

The art of surveillance is about patience and keeping a good watch on the suspect but being very discrete so you are not seen and the suspect is alerted.

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