Examples of Innovative Office Layout Designs

It is a known fact that the way an office looks is very important. It helps to create employee engagement and thereby increase productivity and effectiveness. Additionally, layout is important in terms of ensuring the limited space that is available can hold all the necessary equipment and people. However, getting it right can be quite complicated, particularly if you are not an interior decorator. The following example of innovative office layout designs may be of benefit to you in terms of gaining inspiration.


Examples of Innovative Office Layout Designs #1 – LEGO


LEGO is all about playing, and they want to instil this on their employees as well. The office in Denmark has become famous for its modern and nostalgic combinations. The office is a large open space, designed to enhance communication. There are also a few secluded areas for when they are needed. LEGO understands that different people have different types of communication styles, and they cater for all of these. Some of the more unusual elements include building stations and slides. The company wants employees to be in touch with their inner child at all times. As such, the space encourages people to be creative and it sends a message about the core values of LEGO: new ideas and innovation.

Examples of Innovative Office Layout Designs #2 – FS2

FS2 is one of the best examples of innovative office layout designs. They want to make sure all employees are able to communicate as well as possible, through proper interaction. This is a core value across all the different departments. In order to achieve these goals, the designers and architects used a city as the basis for their layout. This includes a piazza-inspired lobby and other innovative communal spaces. Additionally, the space is made to look very aesthetic, which is a representation of the company’s mission of being innovative and moving forward.

Examples of Innovative Office Layout Designs #3 – Google


No list of examples of innovative office layout design would be complete without mention Google. All of their global offices are known to be designed to mimic homes, by offering comfort and style. Additionally, employees are supposed to remain happy and healthy at all times. Workers know that they are valued and that they are allowed to express their individual needs, which will be taken seriously by the company. The Toronto office, for instance, has mini golf facilities, music rooms and arcade games. This allows employees to be stimulated and to rest as and when they need it. Thanks to the innovative designs of the Google offices, employees are very comfortable and feel good about sharing their creative thoughts. At the same time, the company demonstrates that they trust their employees to enjoy the space available to them, without stopping their actual work. This means that the overall work attitude is positive and that employees have a strong morale.

These are just three examples of fantastic office designs. Hopefully this will help you to design your own space in a way that fosters creativity and productivity.

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