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Crowdfunding Your Business Idea: What Works?

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 

If you have a marketable idea for a business and have a game plan, crowdfunding can be your best bet to get it off the ground.

Simply put, crowdfunding takes place on a platform that allows the public to support your business or idea. It allows future entrepreneurs to raise money to bankroll their small or future business with little to no cost.

Crowdfunding can replace of networking events and investor meetings. Essentially, it streamlines the business process and allows the underdog the chance they need to succeed.


What Can I Use to Get Started?

There are a few different crowdfunding platforms, but the main types of reputable crowdfunding are:

1. Equity-Based

Through equity-based crowdfunding, the donors can receive shares in the company. The campaign creator determines the number of shares each donor will receive. Generally, the contribution a donor makes to the campaign determines that number. Some of the most common sites for equity-based crowdfunding are Republic, CircleUp, and Crowdfunder.

2. Rewards-Based

For this type of crowdfunding, donors receive some sort of reward for donating. Rewards can vary based on donation amount. They can include small tokens of appreciation or access to the product or service after the company launches.

Rewards-based crowdfunding can be ideal for the owner of a small business venture who does not want to owe repayments to shareholders. Some popular rewards-based crowdfunding sites are Kickstarter and Indiegogo.

What Are the Other Lending Options?

While crowdfunding can be a great way to start to your business, it can fall short as a solid long-term business plan. Additionally, crowdfunding does not guarantee cash. Often, many businesses see little to no donations.

In such cases, title loans and other types of lending can come in handy when you need an influx of cash. Whether you are getting a loan in Michigan or California, getting started can be easier with financial help.

Also, there are other lending options available that can give your business the influx of cash it needs to stay afloat or get off the ground. For example, look into:

  1. Credit unions and bank business loans
  2. Personal loans
  3. Title loans in Michigan may also be a good option if you are in need of emergency funding

Regardless of the business plan you choose, it won’t hurt to begin your crowdfunding journey and take the risk that it will take off.

However, before creating your profile on your platform, be sure to tailor it for your audience. Also, be completely ready to start your business.

What Tricks Can I Use to Succeed in Crowdfunding?

Offer a Unique Business Idea

A successful campaign is one that captures the public’s attention. For instance, it should offer some sort of unique product that satisfies a consumer need. Alternatively, it might include a strong personal or business story in your business profile.

Target Your Crowdfunding Toward Interested Investors

If you are offering an initiative for your investors, it can be easier to get more of them involved if they already have an interest in ideas similar to yours. Therefore, conduct some market research before you begin. Look for an audience of people who will be receptive to what you’re offering and target those people.

Start with a Supportive Fan Base

Whether it be your family, friends, or online followers, these people can promote your business and get you even more exposure. So reach out to your social media audiences and be sure to promote your campaign for more success. The more shares you obtain, the more chance your business has to take off.

Give Your Business Idea a Great Start with Crowdfunding

Start with the ideas we have offered here and begin your own crowdfunding campaign. With imagination, creativity, and lots of enthusiasm, you could soon have exactly the support you need to start your business.

For more ideas and inspiration on getting your start in the business world, bookmark our site and visit us often.