Does Your Franchise Have A Guest Satisfaction Program?

Implementing a Web-based Satisfaction ProgramPoor guest experiences negatively affect the overall health and vitality of a brand. Conversely, superior guest experiences lead to high levels of satisfaction, which ultimately translate into increases in franchisee profitability.

By Nancy Bigley, CFEIFA:

A survey by the National Association of Retail Marketing Services, an association that represents the professional merchandising and marketing services industry, reports that as a national average, companies lose 10 guests for every one that actually complains. In addition, 13 percent of those unhappy guests will tell more than 20 people about their bad experience and 90 percent of unhappy guests will not do business with that company again. The good news is that 95 percent of those unhappy guests will in fact return if an issue is resolved quickly.

At a time when franchisors and their marketing teams are working tirelessly to find innovative ways to attract guests, a proactive guest satisfaction program is vital. In fact, a GSP should be viewed as a standard component in every franchise operator’s toolkit.

There are many effective ways to obtain guest feedback. According to a 2004 study by the U.S. Census Bureau however, with more than 61.4 percent of consumer households now able to access the Internet, interactive Web responders have become the most common and cost effective tool for collecting and analyzing consumer feedback.

Interactive Web Responders Definedread on.

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