How Do You Roll? Franchise Finds Perfect Niche In Fast Casual Sushi Segment

The options for sushi in today’s world usually lie at one end of the spectrum or the other. You can get high-end, pretentious sushi that requires a long, sit down meal or the stuff from your local grocery store with rock hard rice that probably has been sitting in a cooler for hours.

Recognizing the gaping hole in the sushi category, How Do You Roll? is seizing the opportunity and demand for high quality sushi at a reasonable price for people on the go.

How Do You Roll? quickly allows customers to customize their sushi roll to exactly their preference.

Customers choose between a traditional seaweed wrap or soy wrap, then choose up to three vegetables, then one or more of the fresh meats and seafood and top it off with one of the specialty sauces and/or toppings. The whole process is completed in an average of three minutes or less. More.

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