Welcome to this week’s edition of the Carnival of the Capitalists. We’ve got a big show for you today:
In An Alternative View Of Organizations in the Future, Gautam Ghosh speculates that in the future, organizations won’t organize for the long term.
Russel Buckley compares Sun CEO Scott McNealy to Louis XIV of France in There Goes the Sun King?
Steve Verdon explains how consumption is a better indicator of welfare than income in Consumption or Income?.
Arnold Kling argues that government should not “ban minute-clinics and force people to use emergency rooms instead.” Let the market decide, he says in Health Care.
In Money and Sex, Michael Williams explains that “money is to humans what plumage is to peacocks.”
Jon Henke looks at the fundamental assumptions of free market proponents, and the weaknesses of those assumptions, from a pro-Free Market point of view in The Discipline of the Free Market.
In Those Divesting Presbyterians, Steve Bainbridge writes that “divestment may make activists feel all warm and fuzzy, but the evidence is that it has no significant effect on the target of the divestment campaign.”
Anita Campbell explains in Practical Considerations for Implementing RFID that RFID might not be right for every business.
Jim Berkowitz writes that “the extent of senior management involvement in the Web is a clear indication of the value of the Web to your organization,” in Get Senior Management Involved in Web Site Strategy.
In Radio’s Wounded Business Model, Barry Ritholtz argues that “broadcast music on the Radio is dying. Its only a matter of time before Radio — as we know it — will be dead.”
David Tufte explains that the argument for sweeping the Sandy Berger political problem under the rug is fallacious, due to a well known (and fully explainable) paradox in economics in Diamonds, Water, and Sandy Berger.
In What Have We Done Right? Jeff Cornwall looks at the changing attitudes of today’s youth.
Lachlan Gemmell relays the advice he received from his business coach about how to more effectively answer the question “So what do you do?” in What Do I Do?.
In Diseconomies Of Scale Craig Henry writes “we often read about economies of scale, but we probably should pay more attention to the diseconomies of scale.”
Dave Foster recounts an eighteenth century take on employee moral in Management Advice from 1760.
In Hans-Hermann Hoppe: A Unified Theory of Everything, Andy Duncan summarizes Hoppe’s A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism.
Wayne Hurlbert shares more insights into optimizing your website in his post, Optimization for MSN Search.
In The Russian Economy: Boom Or Bust? Martin Lindeskog wonders whether Andrei Illarionov will be the man to turn around the Russian economy.
Dave Sheridan explains why the quarterly comparable store sales for Starbucks is an indicator of consumer sentiment that he’s used as a security analyst and portfolio manager in Informal Economic Indicators: Starbucks Same-store Sales Up 11%. He continues: “The point remains that, for most consumers, nothing Starbucks sells in its stores is essential. If their customers are more budget-conscious this year than they were last year, latte purchases will suffer. If customers feel better about their near-term financial picture, an extra one now and then doesn’t seem so frivolous.”
In Business in Europe, Mike Pechar argues that “after 50 years of encroaching socialism in Europe, some leaders are beginning to recognize that free market competitiveness is impeded by social programs and policies.”
John Dmohowski shares his insights on the new Center for Networked Systems just dedicated at UCSD in Center for Networked Systems opens in San Diego. He goes on to explain: “Researchers and industry participants believe that Grid, shared resources and open infrastructures will have as great an impact on business, economics and societies as Internet Protocol.”
In Wall Street and the Illusion of Profits, Michael Kantor explains that while Coca Cola is under investigation for trying to inflate its profits, “there’s nothing unusual here.”
A couple of years ago, the big business opportunity was to set up a website selling patriotic trinkets with the catchphrase “Let’s roll!” In Let’s Roll Wordlab examines what the 9/11 Commission’s report had to say about that phrase.
Joe Katzman argues that “if Apple was really serious about boosting the iPod and/or iTunes’ status as ‘ideaviruses’ via online marketing, it would be thinking different” in iPod + iTunes as Ideaviruses.
In Boomers Retire Early, Anita Campbell argues that “an increasing number of baby boomers are retiring early, but not necessarily out of choice.”
Piter Dorsman explains the Microsoft super dividend and how it takes advantage of the Bush tax cuts in The Tax Cut at Work.
In his Tuesday E-commerce Report #17, Les Jones shares some of the best links about e-commerce from the week.
Thanks to everyone who participated. It wouldn’t be a Carnival without all of you.
Next week’s Carnival will be at Business Evolutionist. Send your entries to capitalists -at- elhide -dot- com.