Franchising Levant & Business Branding is a joint initiative of Pro Fair and Dawn Creative in a first regional effort to bring together the stake-holders of the industry from all over the world…as well as the newcomers of the field to obtain insight and know how on franchising issues, practice and trends.
It is after all a networking arena… The conference / Exhibition will create a great business opportunity for enterprises and companies to present their concepts and find the right partner for the Levant Market, as it offers the most prestigious environment to hold face to face meetings and synergies with highly successful entrepreneurs and investors.
FLBB 2009 is organized in Damascus the heart of the Levant, Syria and includes intensive, information -filled forum to be delivered by experts of the field.
This country is witnessing now a well planned reformation movement, a push towards social market economy and huge investment traffic.
So if your company is franchisable and you are active in one of the following business areas… read on.