When you buy a franchise, if you haven’t already owned your own business before, you probably have to make the difficult transition from working for someone to having people working for you. Being an employee is very different from being the boss. You have to be a good and effective manager in order to gain the respect of the people working for you. It is not as difficult as it sounds, as long as you are willing to put in the effort to motivate your employees. Motivating your employees will be vital to your success. If the people who work for you want to be there, they will work harder and make your franchise even better. Here are some ways to motivate your franchise employees:
1. Praise them if they are doing a good job. This is the simplest thing and is very easy to implement. You should be able to tell who is working hard. If you recognize them for doing a good job, it will show them that you notice and care how hard they work. This will make them want to work harder. By contrast, if your employees are working hard and doing a great job and you never recognize their efforts, they are likely to stop trying so hard, and may even begin to dislike you.
2. Train your employees well, and keep them up-to-date with training. If you slack off on training your employees, they may feel like they are thrown out into the world without the ability to do their jobs effectively. If they feel poorly about how they are doing, are being yelled at by customers, or worst of all, if you blame them for doing a poor job because they aren’t trained well, they are going to feel resentful and upset that you aren’t giving them all the knowledge they need to do a good job. Keeping your employees trained will make them feel good about their job knowledge and will make your business better.
3. Let your employees know that they can advance. If your employees see working at your franchise as a dead-end job where they have no opportunities for promotions, they are not going to work as hard as you need them to. If they know that good employees are rewarded with advancement, they are more likely to be good employees.
More ways here.