Yosemite Blog Brings Information On The National Park To Its Readers

We can thank the internet for giving us the ability to offer a voice to those topics which mean the most to us. If it weren’t for blogs and the bloggers behind them, many of us wouldn’t know how to share our thoughts with the world. While some topics are definitely much more popular than others, one thing holds true: if you have an interest, somewhere there is someone who shares it with you.

Loyd Schutte is the owner and blogger for Yosemite Blog, a website which gives its readers an inside look into Yosemite National Park.

Why did you decide to start blogging?

I blame Dane Carlson. He was the webmaster at a place where I started work as a graphic designer and he suggested I blog. I’d previously had over 30 free sites during the dot com era on the many free hosts that were available so blogging wasn’t much of a stretch. Instead of making a new site I just added daily content to the one I had.

What is/was the name of your first blog? How many do you have now?

The first blog I started was with Radio Userland and was called Campin’Guys Radio Weblog. I know, not a very catchy name but it was better than 001094blahblahblah that Userland assigned me. Currently I have about 6 but 5 have denigrated to side project status while I focus on the relaunch of Yosemite Blog.

Why did you decide to launch Yosemite Blog?

My wife and I are big into the outdoors, camping and hiking. Until my first child was born we were spending about most of our time in Yosemite or in the High Sierra fishing and camping so when I began to get bored with blogging and Dane suggested I pick a topic I love and write about it was hand in glove.

How has it evolved over the past 4 years?

Well I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t work. People love the Photos we post. They’re interested in making their experience to the park better with each time they go and I look for a way to provide that information. On the other hand we have those who can’t get enough of Yosemite so they look to Yosemite Blog as their fix.

When did you decide to try your hand at earning money through your blog?

The same day I started blogging. The host I used didn’t offer the ability to run multiple sites on one account so each blog, there were 3 counting Yosemite Blog, was running me about $100 a year in hosting fees. I figured if I could make at least enough to offset the cost of hosting I’d be happy.

What types of advertising have you tried? What has been the most successful for you?

I’ve tried Google Ads and Yahoo Ads and Text Link Ads and private ads and now I’m working into more private advertisers and CPM advertising. Really none have been that successful but I’ve stuck with Google the longest.

I noticed that the feedburner widget on the Yosemite Blog has reached nearly 500 readers. That’s impressive! What would you attribute most of that attraction to?

Lots of pretty pictures and some of the best readers in the world. I haven’t run across anyone yet who doesn’t like or enjoy Yosemite Blog and what we’re trying to accomplish.

What goals do you have for your blog that you’d like to reach over the next year?

I’d like to get that Feedburner widget in the sidebar to say 1000. I also hope to get this new redesign off the ground sometime soon. Monetarily Yosemite Blog needs to perform better. I’m currently adding pages specific to local businesses to attract more of the first time park visitors to the site and get them acquainted with what a great resource Yosemite Blog is for visitors.

I could imagine you’ve picked up quite a few blogging trade secrets since your start in 2002. Do you have any tidbits of advice you’d like to share with any beginner bloggers that might be reading this?

Don’t give up. You may not see your stats be what you imagined the first, second, third, or fourth month. Even a year later it may be only a slight increase. But all good things take time. You’ll get there. Don’t give up.

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