Altan Kargaci, who launched the Gatwick-based franchise, initially trained in precision engineering before deciding that it was time for a change, he says: “After I had finished at school I went straight into an apprenticeship but I soon decided that I wanted to work for myself and start my own business.”
Altan began researching many different ways in which he could become his own boss, before deciding a franchise would offer him the best security and return for his investment. After looking at all the possible options he narrowed down his selection to an air conditioning franchise.
He continues: “It was only when I began researching the different types of franchises that are around I realised that being a franchisee allows you to become a part of pretty much any sector from dog washing to children’s parties. But I knew I wanted to do something that allowed me to use my technical background and engineering skills so working in the air conditioning, heating and refrigeration franchise seems like the best route for me.”
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