Does the entrepreneurial spirit ever die? In Jennifer Carden’s case, no. She is a good example of that spirit when it continues to grow over time. As situations change, she has blended.
Jennifer balances her life as a chef, an author, and active blogger at The Toddler Cafe but late last year she decided to take on a new challenge– as a direct sales representative for NuSkin. While most people would feel overwhelmed, she has successfully balanced each area of her business and family life.
Would you mind telling us a little about NuSkin, The Toddler Cafe and your other ventures?
My training is as a Chef and Food Stylist and I recently released a cookbook called The Toddler Café (Chronicle Books). I work with my husband, who is a photographer, we co authored and photographed the book as a team. Recently we saw the economy taking a nose dive and we know that budgets get cut for creative projects first. We discussed another business, one we could build slowly, just incase things got bad. I have always loved spas and skincare so this seemed perfect for me and usually beauty will survive a recession. We love technology and Nuskin is a premiere company who hinges on the newest anti aging technology.
What inspired you to start your own business?
I have always worked for myself or at least had something going on, on the side. When we got married my husband and I made a conscious decision to be at work from home. We closed our photo studio in San Francisco and created a life where we could be at home with our daughter, even if it means struggling at times. Running your own business is challenging and rewarding but I would have it no other way.
How do you balance your work and family life? Any tips that you’d be willing to share?
Balance is tough for anyone, our daughter is the priority and after that, our health, we try to get out and hike or go to the gym. Sometimes we do fun stuff during the week and work on the weekends. We also do a lot of social marketing, connecting with other business people, which is a lot of fun.
Balancing my two endeavors is tough but never dull. I schedule my Nuskin meetings in the evening and work on recipes and promoting my book in the afternoons.
Do you have any plans to write another book in the future?
I am working on my second book and a game. I will keep producing books and doing as much PR as I can around the book. I blog, Twitter and Facebook.
Which of the NuSkin products are the most popular?
By far the Galvanic Spa and True Face Essence Ultra are the most popular products because they are the only company with this particular technology and the amazing performance of both products. Smoothing wrinkles and adding elastin to your skin is the wave of the future and these products do that. This company has over 120 scientists working on the products to make them safe and effective. These products are for anyone but especially people who are considering invasive treatments or who would like to stop such treatments.
How did you end up getting involved in direct sales?
I had a demo of the Galvanic Spa and couldn’t stop thinking about how fabulous my face looked and felt. I waited a month before considering the business for myself. My husband and I discussed it at length and decided that because there was no investment and no risk that we would do it.
It is the last place I ever thought I’d ever be. I didn’t go it to it thinking about the direct sales part. I just knew I loved the product and telling people about it seemed easy.
Do you have any milestones you’d like to achieve as a representative, with your book, and other endeavors?
I would like to hit some specific goals with the NuSkin and I believe that it is possible because I am seeing people around me hitting their goals at an very rapid rate. I would love to be a top seller, but that is not what drives me. What drives me is seeing people smile in disbelief when they see the results on their face.
With the book, my first original goal was to get on Oprah so I am still hoping for that!! If I get on her show at least I will have fabulous skin!! I love writing books and getting kids to eat foods they wouldn’t normally enjoy so I will keep doing that. I will keep teaching classes and being a chef and food stylist.
What advice do you have for someone interested in entering into a direct sales business?
You have to work, it is not a business that you can do by just sitting back. I’d say if you have energy and want you can make an amazing business for yourself this is the way. This particular business, training is easy because, it is all there for you to take if you want it. My team is great we love being together, it makes “work” a pleasure. Luckily the NuSkin Products sell themselves so I have an edge up, and the best part is that is it so much fun making people love the way they look.