photo credit: i:tzharr
Many new and young managers today truly want to be great managers as well as mentors to their team, the problem is that most of them feel they don’t know how to or don’t have the time to spend with each person.
Don’t get trapped into thinking that leadership is an extra 50% commitment on top of your day job. You can be a terrific manager and developer of people without sacrificing a single sale. Why? Because the amount of time you spend coaching your people, mentoring them, giving them feedback, and otherwise bolstering their skills is not what leads to your – or their – success. It’s how you lead, not how much, that counts.
Turn dead time into development time. When your walking back to your office use that 3 minutes to give feedback. Show up in their workspace. Your employees expect the manager to stay in their office, so don’t do this. Everyday go visit one employee that you haven’t spoken to in a while. Make two phone calls per day. This can be on your way home from work in your car or while your cooking dinner that night, call two people that you spoke to that day regarding their job and give them that feedback they are looking for.