Business Lessons From a Baby

Manon News
photo credit: Spigoo

When we become parents we soon become glassy-eyed, sleep-deprived and the smallest thing amuses us for hours. As parents however, we have just as much to learn from our children as they do from us. If you really watch them and their lives, they actually have some good points that you can incorporate in your business life. For example:

  • Doing what you know isn’t always helpful. Babies like to grab thing’s including their own hair, they don’t realize it is theirs and it will hurt every time. Just like taking a expensive jet to go ask for a loan.
  • Success is impossible without communication. Wet diaper leads to screaming, changing diaper equals more screaming. Trying not to wake the neighborhood as you finish one last loud scream that wakes everyone. They don’t understand what parents want…same in business, if there is no communication there will be screaming eventually.
  • Where are we going and why? Babies especially infant ones move and flail about trying to get anywhere, they don’t know where to but they usually are upset they cant get there. In business you have to have a plan as to where you want to go and for what reasons.

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