In the last decade.. sex on television has certainly become more common.
But talking about it is still fairly taboo. So Heather Mills hit the streets and has this report about a new trend. In her continued series.. Sex for sale.
Passion parties. Adult stores. Sex. It’s out there. And women say it’s okay. And it’s about time. Call it the “Sex and the City” revolution.. Women are opening up about their sexuality. And it’s no secret anymore. Challenging the stigma often attached to adult toys.. Mainstream media is getting in on the action.. Even texoma is moving on the trend.
Passion parties, the ultimate girls night in.
“They’re a lot of fun.” The products are designed to promote intimacy and communication between couples. Shelly Gallagher is a fulltime nurse. And she has been hosting passion parties since May. Think of it as a Tupperware party for 2009 Shelly says the intimate home environment offers women a chance to open up and ask questions in a familiar setting. “I teach you how to use it, what it does.”
And they’re a hit.. She says business has grown.. On average she throws about ten parties a month for ages 18 and up… Shelly says her parties attract every generation.
Screenshot From Passion Parties