After endless trolling through career Web sites such as and never connecting with a human, Charlene Helm snapped.
“Every day was a constant battle,” said Helm, a 2008 graduate of Appalachian State University. “I was so frustrated I just typed in ‘I need a job.’ ”
And there at the top of the list was, a Web site designed by Larry Dinsmore of Lexington, which offers T-shirts with the Web site name on the front and your resumé printed on the back.
The site was born out of frustration, said Dinsmore. In 2005, he went 18 months without a job. He created the site thinking he might make a little money selling T-shirts and show off his technical skills since he was looking for a job in the computer field. A local television station profiled him, someone home sick from work saw the piece and, yes, Dinsmore was called to come in. After the regular round of interviews, he got a job at the Kentucky League of Cities.
The message of the site is fairly straightforward: Don’t give up. Do whatever you can to get noticed. “It sounds kind of cheesy,” he said, “but if it provides somebody with a moment of escape in a dismal time,” the site is worth his effort to keep it current.
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