Keeping Yourself and Staff in Line

Connected Ventures, September 2005
photo credit: Zach Klein

I came across an article located on Discussion Leader regarding maintaing good morale in your business. One of the challenges in any career is keeping yourself and your staff in line with each other, everyone being on the same page at the same time. Even more so today, this is a daunting task for a lot of managers with everyone being in such an uproar over the economy and job security.

I would suggest having a quarterly one-on-one meeting with each of your direct reports. In each of these meetings address six key questions.

In these meetings when asking these 6 key questions, it should promote a two way dialogue in that of you ask the question and your staff begins to give ideas and at the end, everyone decides what is to be done and your all on the same page.

Where are we going? Where are you going? (A specific employees direction) What do you think your doing good at? What changes could you do to help improve the system? How can I help you guy’s in what your going after? And most importantly do you have any suggestions for me?

You are not above them in the manner such as you don’t need improvement. Everyone could use a little improvement somewhere, even the manager, ask for suggestions on how you can improve the work environment and production.

Do you have suggestions on what a manager can do to keep everyone on the same page?

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