Couple’s Invention Thriving Despite Economy

Two Upstate inventors are succeeding at a time when others are struggling.

Tami Hammond and her husband have a home on Lake Lyman. They also have a keen sense of smell, which can be a negative attribute when around smokers.

Based on a suggestion from their banker, who smokes cigarettes, they created GoneSmoke, an odor eliminator.

“It is the only product created for hair and clothes,” Hammond said.

They said it’s safe on all fabrics and gets rid of the smell of cigarettes, cigars and even food, and it leaves you with the scent of fresh fabric softener.

“I spray it over my hair, over my clothes,” Hammond said. “You just spray it maybe like you would hairspray.”

GoneSmoke has only been out since October and already the Hammonds are starting to make money.

“It’s encouraging to have a product that can help people through hard economic times, because actually GoneSmoke can save you money on dry cleaning,” Hammond said.

The Hammonds said anyone interested in becoming an inventor needs ambition and creativity. They do all the graphics, marketing and sales from their house.

“It does not take a whole lot of money,” Hammond said. “We have done this on a shoestring budget.”

Photo by Scentria Corporation.

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