Google’s Tips For Entrepreneurs

The duckies invade Google
photo credit: Yodel Anecdotal

Google recently did an article giving tips to all of you entrepreneur’s and people thinking about becoming entrepreneurs. Given the fact that google has been called the mother load of all search engines, I think it wise to take a read of the goals they mentioned.

● Don’t settle. It’s better to take your time in picking out the staff and other contributor’s that will help in your start-up, make sure you get the right one’s right off the bat.
● Be an expert. Whatever field or service your going into, do as much research as you possibly can and then do a little more. Make sure you know everything there is to know about your business.
● Setting goals. Take a few day’s to think about your goal’s, set some easy one’s, set some very difficult but not impossible one’s with a reasonable time limit on them. And don’t forget to track the progress of these goal’s.
● Don’t be scared of those hard problems. One thing to remember is that the problem may be huge to your customer, but come to find out it’s easy for you to fix, once you manage through the problem, your rewards for your efforts will follow.

Go to Small Biz Bee for the complete list of tips.

What are some of your tips for entrepreneurs?

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