Small Steps To Success

photo credit: aloshbennett

When your getting ready to start your own business, you realize there are a million and one thing’s to do before it’s all said and done. So naturally you want to tackle as many of these tasks at once so that you get them accomplished faster.Web Business Freedom posted a very interesting article regarding this topic.

However, it is not always’ that simple to pick say 10 tasks to have done at once by a certain time frame. The easiest way to handle this which may not be easy for some people is, take one step at a time.

By conquering one thing at a time you will have less stress, a clearer head to go onto the next task and you can rest assure that with every task you tackle, your giving it your all at that time.

The trick is to slow down…and map out what you need to focus on and accomplish. Be very specific. Then figure out all the next action steps. Write them down, or put them in your Getting Things Done (GTD) application of choice. Better yet, cut them out and post them in front of your work area. Then turn off all distractions so you can get them done. One at a time.

How do you handle your list of 100 thing’s to do?

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