Escape Your Cubicle Job

5D (#28134)
photo credit: mark sebastian

Are you getting tired of your same old 9 to 5 job, tired of climbing and climbing up that ladder but never actually getting where you want to be after all your hard work? Many people other than yourself feel this same way, and some of them have decided to quit that cubicle job and start their own business. Below are a few tips on making this switch found on Open Forum to help you on your way.

Everyone has their own time to quit, and there really is no guaranteed 100% sure way of knowing that your totally ready to quit. Despite the economic conditions, now is actually a really great time to start your own business provided your somewhat financially set, your business plan has come along quite a way’s and you feel that you have a product or service that has a need in the market.

Make sure the business idea you have is something that you are truly passionate about and are willing to put in some serious time and effort on evolving it. Don’t make the mistake that a lot of new entrepreneurs make thinking that you have to have your plan absolutely perfect before starting, this almost never happens and you will always find thing’s to tweak once the business is even already open.

You don’t have to have a complex business plan with thirteen attachments and spreadsheets, but you do need to engage in business planning. Know the kinds of problems you are trying to solve, and what value solving them would bring to your customers.

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