Feeling Flustered At The Home Office?

New Office
photo credit: AndyArmstrong

Working from home definitely has it’s benefits all around, however, working from home can also cause a little bit of cabin fever syndrome. All of us experience this at some point or another. When you start feeling a little bit of that fever sneaking up on you, it’s important for you to step back and reboot your personal system and get back on track. Try one of these reboot options.

●Go run the errands you have been putting off all week long.
●Take your dog to the dog park for the afternoon.
●Go to the gym for a work out or to shoot some hoops for a few hour’s.
●Have lunch with a friend or family member.
●Go for a swim.
●Go see that movie you have been eye balling for a month.
●Take your kid’s outside, get some fresh air and remind yourself what it’s like to play.

Go to Home Office Envy for the complete list of suggestions.

What do you do to reboot your personal system when feeling the fever?