How Do You Rate?

N800 ratings box
photo credit: henribergius

Businesses spend a lot of time reviewing their employees as far as their production, speed, qualifications, performance, and how they get along with their co-workers to name a few. But how do managers and owners rate on these scales? Take a look at some of these area’s below taken from Officeher and ask yourself how you would rate on this scale if your employees were giving you a review.

●Communicating an inspiring vision to others.
●Sensitivity to satisfaction and morale in others.
●Setting clear and achievable deadlines.
●Facilitating rather then dominating.
●Managing people according to their personal needs and goals.
●Views honest mistakes as learning experiences.
●Creating a working atmosphere that involves everyone and ultimately provides a positive working environment.
●Involving the employees in the decision making process.

It is important to remember that our employees are not the only one’s that should be on review. Without proper and effective management skill’s, your employees will only work so hard and go so far for the company before they run out of inspiration and drive.

How do you rate on your employees scale?

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