Professionalism On Social Networks

 Boys Behaving Badly
photo credit: Orin Optiglot

When working online with the public, being nice and professional is very important, and sometimes slightly difficult as the tone of “typing” is different from that of “talking” in person and can often times be read the wrong way. Below are a handful of tips on being professional and nice online located on SmallBizTechnology.

  • First things first, keep all personal topics such as family, religion, sex and politics out of your online work. Always remember to imagine what a potential employer or prospect would think about you when you write about those topics.
  • Always remember to tell the truth! Don’t exaggerate what your work related accomplishments are, don’t make it sound like you are the inventor of the light bulb when all you really do is sell discounted light bulbs.
  • Fourth, decide on what your “friending” policy is going to be and be consistent, at least for inside each social site that you frequent. For example, I am most stringent with the people that want to network with me on LinkedIn, and only accept connections with people that I have actually met face to face, or who have been long-time email correspondents.

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