Cash Strapped Americans Are Unpacking Their Avon Lady Suits

Armies of new Avon ladies, Mary Kay reps and Tupperware sellers are advancing on living rooms across the country, their ranks full of professionals forced to take a second job amid the recession.

Becke Alexander, sales manager for New York-based Avon Products, hears each week from laid-off bankers and stay-at-home moms, but also gainfully employed people worried how long they’ll stay that way. All of them are willing to knock on doors, host parties or do whatever else it takes to peddle some makeup.

“‘I need money.’ That’s what I’ve been hearing since about November,” Alexander said. “There are no hobby seekers coming here. It’s people with a legitimate need.”

Job cuts, shrinking bonuses and scaled-back hours have pushed more people than ever to become direct sales representatives, a phenomenon industry experts say they’ve seen before.
In the 1990-1991 recession, the number of direct sellers increased 8 percent, to 5.1 million Americans. In the 2001 recession, the work force increased to 12.2 million.

And while 2008 figures are not yet available, in 2007 an estimated 15 million people nationwide were in direct sales. Some 58 percent of became reps as a second job, according to the Direct Selling Association, a trade group that represents 200 U.S. companies.

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