Proven Headlines That Sell Like Hotcakes

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photo credit: faeryboots

In business when entering into marketing and advertising, every business owners dream is to strike their prospects with attention getting headlines, content, pictures and more. Below are some suggestions on proven awesome headline formulas that are sure to sell like crazy, recently found on Copyblogger.

Put it out there plainly and simply. No jokes or pun on words. Something such as “all jeans 40% off, no interest for 1 year”. Don’t beat around the bush with people, say it straight out and they will respect that.

Say it with commands to get their attention. “Become a better writer in 10 days, get tax relief now, buy now and get free shipping” are all great way’s to get their attention quick and get your message across to them.

Relay an honest, enthusiastic testimonial. A testimonial headline can do two things for you. First, it presents your reader with a third party endorsement of your product or service. Second, it capitalizes on the fact that people like to know what other people say.

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