photo credit: bfick
Once you create your blog, you’ve created the need to have not only content, but interesting content, several times a week. You want to find subjects that will keep your customers interested, make them want to interact with you, and that will also help them learn a little bit about what your company stands for. Located on Small Biz Trends.
One awesome place to find these topics is located within your customers concerns. Your customers express theirs problems and concerns to you on a daily basis and maybe even several times throughout the day, this is an excellent topic source for your blog.
Use the industry news as topics for your blogs. Most customers now a days don’t have a lot of time to spend relaxing in front of NBC news t.v. or reading a newspaper to catch up on what’s happening. Provide them with some topics that are related to whats happening around them on your blog.
Try bringing in some guest bloggers who have their topic ideas already in mind. It also never hurts to get a little personal every now and then, not that you should every day but maybe once a month or so would do fine. Write about thing’s such has how the company got started, the different avenues you went down before locating the perfect product or service, anything to let them know you are human.