Has this ever happened to you?
You’ve started a business at home or are building your business. You are getting on a roll and things are beginning to click. New marketing opportunities are showing up and clients and customers are finding you. And then, when summer starts and the kids are out of school, the progress slows and in some cases draws to a screeching halt.
So what to do?
1. Identify one or two actions you could take each day or week that would feel as though you are getting something done and commit to it. Even if you commit to one thing and get it done, that will feel much better than having a list of 10 things and nothing completed.
2. Focus on the important business activities. Let the busy work happen in the Fall — what must you do to keep your business moving?
3. Choose what is happening. If you find that you are spending less time on your business in order to be with your kids; embrace that as a choice and not something that is happening to you.
Photo by hortongrou.