Does Starting A Business Make You Feel Crazy?

photo credit: Emery_Way

When starting a new business, through all the transitions and setting up, many people sit down and begin to wonder if they are truly going crazy. This is a normal feeling when starting a business as stated on Open Forum. Starting a business makes everyone at some point think they are going nuts, and it is because there are so many different stages one must go through that it can sometimes become very overwhelming.

  • The first stage that one goes through is when they make the final decision to go from being an employee for someone and becoming an entrepreneur. This can be overwhelming and even scary because nothing is normal or familiar to you anymore.
  • The next stage you go through is your dreaming stage. This is where you will come up with every idea known to man on what you could do as an entrepreneur. Let your imagination go free and think up everything that you can, you can edit your list at a later date to narrow down your possibilities.
  • Once you find the idea that you are going to build into your dream business, many things go wrong and may be completely different from how you saw it going. People will criticize you and you will begin to think you are going crazy.
  • The Promised Land. When you get through the awful growing pains of Square Three, business will stabilize. You will have paying clients, make a profit, and get the right team in place.

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