Standing Out From The Crowd In Your Niche

manu chao at the greek
photo credit: michale

Many niches are considered to be very crowded, with tons of competitors going for the same goal. So how in your niche are you suppose to make yourself visible amongst the rest? Copy Blogger suggests finding the “hidden benefit”. What is the hidden benefit you ask? The hidden benefit is different for every business owner. Take blogging as an example, many bloggers have an overall want to obtain more traffic to their site.

The question as to why they want more traffic is the actual hidden benefit that they posses. Normal benefits are usually pretty much the same across the board, however, a hidden benefit is the one benefit that stands out, the one that is a little more personal to the business person.

What could be some hidden benefits? Reaching out to a younger crowd, reaching out to more computer and technology savvy people, or impressing their boss with their marketing strategies in order to get a special promotion are just a few examples of hidden benefits.

Finding the hidden benefit is a trial and error situation. It can be hard finding the right hidden benefit to motivate your readers, clients or customers. This is where interacting with your readers, clients and customers comes in handy, by interacting with them you’ll have a much better idea of what could be the right hidden benefit to use.

For a savvy marketer, no niche is ever too crowded. Standing out is a matter of having a more intimate understanding of your readers than the competition.

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