photo credit: henribergius
Often times customers who are unhappy with the service they have received from a business will not tell the company about their bad experience nor will they go back to that company in the future. Instead, they move on to find another company that gives them the experience they want with the same products they need. One way to improve this problem is by offering exit surveys for all your customers to fill out.
Simply take a moment to sit down and jot down some quick questions that you would like to ask your customers regarding their experience with your company on that particular trip. These should be questions such as, how satisfied were you with the appearance of the store? How satisfied were you with the products that were available to you? How satisfied were you with the help you received from the staff? And so on. At the end of the survey it is always a good idea to add a little spot where they can jot down some comments, notes, advice or suggestions on what they would like to happen in their future experiences.
This exit survey doesn’t have to be anything spectacular nor does it have to be made up by any sort of professionals. This is something you can do on your own computer in your office or even at home. Once you have the final copy ready, take it to your local printing shop and print up at least 100 copies of it to hand out to your customers.
Try to keep the survey short and sweet – around 3 to 6 questions would be ideal. Depending on the type of business you do and the way you interact with your customers, you can have the survey completed in a number of ways: have customers complete the survey at your place of business, have customers complete the survey on your website, mail the survey to the client with or as a follow-up or call the client and ask in person with or as a follow-up.