photo credit: ralphbijker
Even if you’re a “lone wolf” type, the idea is to forge better business relationships and a network of colleagues and contacts who will stick with you. “And best of all they will voluntarily recommend your services to others,” says Kuzmeski. If you’re ready to ramp it up, here are some tactics that can start getting you immediate results:
- Have some sort of priority plan in place. Not all business relationships happen naturally, most in fact have to be worked at and built over time. So make up a list of the ones that are the most important and vital for you to work your hardest on right now.
- Always keep in continual contact with your connections. Do this by having a system where you follow up with them after meetings by a phone call, letter, email or even a post card. You can also keep in touch with them by sending out some sort of notice when there is new information regarding your business that you really want them to know about.
- Make yourself as referable as you can. If you expect to get referrals from your clients that you have, you’ll need to be someone that they would want to refer to another client. Have some sort of survey that you can hand out to clients to fill out to keep you informed on how you are doing.