Twitters Uses For Small Businesses

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Often businesses join a group such as Twitter without really realizing the benefits that they have to offer small businesses. There are several uses to Twitter that greatly help out any small business company or even large businesses for that matter. Look below for some of the suggestions that had to offer on Twitter uses for small businesses.

  1. Great for following all of your competitors. This comes in handy when you want to see how everyone else uses Twitter, creates promotions, tracking and more that way you can tweak your own program where it’s needed.
  2. You can search for your customers and clients on Twitter or you can go directly to their site and see if they have a “follow me on Twitter” link that you can click on and automatically add them to your page.
  3. If you are one of the thousands that follow all of the major news medias, you can forward the information you find in there to your Twitter account.

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