When mom coach Lori Radun spoke to the Mothers of Preschoolers group in Aurora recently, she talked about the eight essential ingredients of having a “momnificent” life.
“While she was going over them, in the room you could hear the oohs and ahs,” recalled MOPS member Lillian Lucas of Aurora. “You could tell people really connected, and a bunch of people went up to talk to her afterward.”
Radun has been connecting with moms across the country and even internationally since becoming a mom coach five years ago. Her self-published book, “The Momnificent! Life: Healthy and Balanced Living for Busy Moms,” recently was named a finalist in the sixth annual National Books Awards of USA Book News, an online and review Web site for publishing houses.
Mothers share common concerns, said Radun, herself the mother of sons ages 18 and 7.
Concerns like achieving balance in the multiple roles moms play, harmonious relationships, parenting challenges, organization and de-cluttering are issues Radun often addresses.
“I think the big question is, ‘What is my purpose?'” Radun said. “Especially stay-at-homes moms begin to ask themselves, ‘Is this all there is?’ They enjoy being a mom, but they’re wanting something more.”
Image from Momnificent!