Go Green With Your Holiday Party

Free Colorful Marshmallow Christmas Trees Creative Commons
photo credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

As the holiday season approaches us, we are all starting to plan those big parties whether they’re at work, at home or both. When you consider all of the preparation that goes into setting up such an event, it can be overwhelming when you think about some of the high costs, the wasteful tendencies of such events and so on.

This year try picking a location for the party that is pretty universal for everyone who is attending. This will cut down on everyone’s drive time and thus save everyone a little gas money as well as save the environment from less emission’s going into the air.

Rather than sending out tons of paper invitations that are just going to get thrown away, go paperless. There are many different elegant and equally appealing electronic invitations that can be sent, and for those who may not have access to a computer or the Internet, you can always put in a quick phone call to invite them and it will also double as a quick way to catch up with them.

When your planning the clean up part of the party, remember that there are several different cleaning companies out there to choose from. Many cleaning companies have the means to come in and clean up with green supplies. Or there is a whole range of green products at your local store that you can pick up and use yourself if it is a smaller holiday party.

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