photo credit: benstein
When it comes to promoting your small business it is essential to choose more than just one type of media to do your promoting. You have to remember that not everyone you plan on targeting has Internet, cable, access to magazine ads and more. So always remember to choose more than one option to ensure that you target the largest audience possible. Two great medias on the Internet to go with are Facebook and Twitter given they both have huge social networks for you to work with.
One of the biggest things to remember on these sites is that your content is extremely important to your readers. Rather than just inputting your business information and content on the site you need to add a little more, maybe start with some questions and answers, advice topics, suggestion board, and maybe get a little personal about yourself and your company and the journey that you have taken to get to today.
Post regular updates, but don’t get annoying. As with all things in life, there’s a happy medium between “not enough” and “too much” when it comes to social networking updates. If you rarely update, then you don’t create any sort of connection with your network. But if you update too often, people will unfriend/unfollow you or block your updates from their feed.