He may not have the power that Ben Bernanke wields or the kind of money that Donald Trump has, but the advice Bill McKown shares with business owners can mean the difference between surviving the recession and closing their doors forever, says Tampa Bay Online.
“Due to current economic conditions, many businesses are looking for help. Their needs revolve around two basic areas: technical assistance and financial assistance. The SBDC specializes in providing technical assistance to small business,” said McKown, whose wide smile and approachable demeanor reflect his certifications in training and facilitation.
An entrepreneur since young adulthood, McKown dabbled in several business opportunities, including coin-operated vending machines and logistics management of freight transportation. Most of his career, however, was spent as retail vice president for a petroleum marketing company.
While his professional time is spent working at the SBDC and adjunct teaching for SFCC, he still owns a convenience store in Lake Placid.
Why did he want to become a businessman over some other career move? McKown’s face lit up as he answered the question with one word: “Entrepreneurship!”
Were there any hard knocks in his career as an entrepreneur? “You don’t have that much time,” McKown laughed.
But he admitted that there is a recurring theme among most entrepreneurs who want to start a business. “They have a big idea, but they don’t always take the time to do the research to find out if it’s a real business opportunity.
To be a real business opportunity, it has to have market feasibility and financial feasibility,” said McKown.
Photo by mark i geo